
Shattered Memories - Ch.VI

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Shattered Memories Saga
Ch.VI – The Obstacles of Friendship
By: Andrew V.

The ground shakes with the explosion of the factory and the sky lights up in a fiery blaze of dust, metal scrap and blood. Demeyez swims with the flow of the current to reach the end of the sewage pipe, for behind her lies a lifeless breath of fire feeding off scrap and flammable sewage. Demeyez is kicking as fast as she can, squirming her body like a worm with her arms at her waist; her eyes are closed, but her mind is wide open with thoughts of Rakoon and his fate.

Demeyez can feel her body getting warmer and warmer as she continues to kick. The blaze behind her pursues her death; just like the others who wanted her dead when her father had abandoned them in Teynkah. Just then she heard a loud screech that made her open her eyes, the sewage thickness stinging them. It was a roach. There was a roach also pursing her; she looked back and could see it, wingless with only 3 arms and its upper body and head swimming. Demeyez knew it wasn't going to try to eat her, but trample her in its escape to survival; there was only one thing she could do.

Demeyez searched her quiver for all her explosive arrows, but she only found 3 inside. She searched around the sewage no matter how much it stung her eyes for some sort of shield. She was going to fight fire with fire and hope in its crossfire kill the roach and escape alive. She found a big metal piece; big enough to shield her from a good margin of injury. And with that Demeyez then set off one of her arrows to explode in 5 seconds. She let go of that arrow, counted to 3 and then dropped her second one. She stopped swimming and grabbed onto the scrap metal and hid behind waiting for the explosion. Right before the awaited explosion; Demeyez quickly tucked in her third arrow onto her chest. The arrow erupted chaining with her second arrow; Demeyez could hear the roach screech in pain as it died between flames. The fires then clashed with one another causing a gigantic explosion within the sewage pipes, the fire quickly then caught up to Demeyez location. And soon she was engulfed in flames with the scrap metal protecting her, but also burning her back as she held onto her head. To her fortune, she was already near the end of the pipe, but thanks to help of her explosive arrows, the explosion shot the sewage and Demeyez through a far distance.

As Demeyez soars through the sky with the explosion roaring behind her, she landed onto the ground, tumbling and rolling. Cut, burned, battered and filthy she rolls onto the ground until she crashed onto a dying willow tree with her back and head, knocking her out. Luckily the tumbling and rolling she withstood managed to soften the momentum that would have otherwise killed her. The sewage excess oozes slowly off her body as well as the blood from her insides slowly drip from her mouth and ears. The third explosive arrow Demeyez held onto had been triggered, and a red light started shining from her chest, as if it were ticking the last moments of her life. That light attracted many creatures to her dying body, but it also attracted her second chance of life. The explosion caused in the shut-down factory caught someone else's attention. There was still some intelligent life looming around Earth. The being was scouting what was going on near the factory. It managed to spot Demeyez beneath the dying willow tree and her arrow's red glow. Demeyez wasn't the only thing it saw. It saw other of Earths predators slowly prowling towards the unconsciousness Demeyez. They each moves slowly. They knew that they would have to fight for their meal and one eager movement may cause their life. The being parked its vehicle above Demeyez's location; hovering to keep a safe distance from the other predators.

It tossed a bright fiery flare tricking the creatures that it was fire. The being let down a special rope attached from its vehicle and it slid down and stood before Demeyez. It wasn't very tall to Demeyez in comparison. In fact, it was only up to her waist. Curiously approaching Demeyez, inspecting her, it realized she was still alive, but barely, she was losing time fast. The being grabbed the end of the rope, which was the shape of an egg and no bigger than a human child's fist, and pressed a button which opened the egg ending of the rope and tied up Demeyez like a straight jacket. Although this didn't really tie her up for restraint, but for comfort and transportation; the device was mainly used for cargo. It climbed on top of Demeyez and tugged the rope for it to return inside the ship. It tugged the rope again so that the rope would come to a halt. It hopped onto the cockpit and controlled the specialized rope to maneuver Demeyez onto the back and had it also remove her straight-jacket. Demeyez was laying on her back on a comfortable discolored red padding.

An intelligent being approached her and picked up a battered Demeyez and called out their flying vehicle and laid her onto the backseat. The being removed the arrow bomb and dropped it, leaving the main attraction behind. As the vehicle flew into the safety of the sky, the creatures that were attracted were left with an explosion.

"Computer, initiate first-aid sequence" said the being.
"Power-cells depleting. Cannot commence first-aid sequence without the risk of shutdown" replied the machine in the vehicle.
"How unfortunate…" The being said as it looked back at Demeyez, ("Just what are you? And what are you doing here?"), it thought in its mind.

The small being then navigated its vehicle to its destination with Demeyez strapped in the back. Luckily it wasn't that very far away; only a few hundred miles. The vehicle was very advanced technology; nothing relevant at all to human technology. The being would turn back as it navigated to its destination. It could see Demeyez still breathing, but she was in a very critical state. It had no choice but to land now if it wanted to save her. It emergency landed on a desolated mountain-side where plantation refused to grow.

"Very well. Now computer, initiate first-aid procedures: level red. Use all power-cells if need be" said the being to the vehicle machine.
"First-aid sequence now commencing." The machine in the vehicle replied.
"Hopefully it will be enough to save its life…, who knew there would be life on the surface of this planet," said the being.

Demeyez wearily opened her eyes and saw devices over her head. She tried to move, but couldn't because she was still strapped down to the vehicle. She screamed and struggled all she could causing a ruckus for the machine preventing the first-aid procedure. The machine's program then injected her with a clear white vial on her neck. This slowly paralyzed Demeyez's body. She tried to fight the tranquilizers effects, but to no avail. Demeyez was conscious, but scarred. She wondered if she was captured by a puppet or other remaining inhabitants on Earth. She knew she couldn't do anything, so she conserved her energy from all the screaming she did and relaxed and tried to think of an escape plan once and if the tranquilizer wore off and the restraints were off. She couldn't. The only thing that ran through her mind was where was I? Am I going to die? What is this machine doing to me? Where is Rakoon? Is he ok? Demeyez began to worry herself about other things. She could still see the devices moving over her head, but she worried for Rakoon more than herself right now. She couldn't help it. She wondered if she were developing feelings for him. She closed her eyes and relaxed. Demeyez had worked herself up and decided to sleep, for it could be her last peaceful nap. Shortly after, the being got on the vehicle to see the progress the first-aid program has gone through. The program was nearly complete. It looked at Demeyez briefly and sighed at the progress in appearance. It didn't think she'd make it. It hopped down and opened a compartment beneath the vehicle manually. There were some weapons and other handy utilities. It grabbed a rifle just as big as her and a survival laser-dagger on her right thigh. She strapped ammunition for her rifle around her waist and left shoulder. She began to patrol the area while the machine finished on Demeyez. A little over 10 minutes have passed and the first-aid procedure had completed. Demeyez was released from her restraints. The machine injected another white vial on Demeyez neck again which nullified the tranquilizer. The machine made a loud beep noise and that woke up Demeyez. She sat-up this time in amazement that she wasn't restrained anymore. She wearily got off the vehicle and wobbled herself away from the vehicle to escape until she heard the machine beep once more, but this time it said something after the beep.

"First-aid procedure: level red complete. Power-cells at 3%. Now conserving remaining power-cells and shutting down." The machine said as it powered down.

Demeyez halted and looked back at the vehicle "F... first-aid procedure? Is that was I was in? A first-aid machine? Then who saved me? Was it-"

"Yes it was me." The being interrupted Demeyez. "I saved you from certain death. Well the machine did too, but I did initiate it."

Demeyez saw her rescuer from a distance. It had a black head with big bulging orange eyes. It seemed to Demeyez it was slithering towards her. It wore a black suit or its body was very dark-black.

"W-who or what are you?" Demeyez asked her rescuer trying to regain her strength.

"My name is Galactica. You should not be moving much. You are still not fully healed." Galactica replied. It spoke in a very calm tone with professionalism.

"Galactica huh." Demeyez said as she took a step back and gently sat down on the dry ground. "Thank you for saving me."

"Saving you? Oh no. I merely wanted you alive so I could experiment on you." Galactica replied with an evil smirk.

"Experiment?!" Demeyez said out loud worried. "I knew this was too good to be true!" Demeyez stood up energetic and brought up her guard.

"Calm down calm down. I was merely kidding." Galactica replied assuring and amused by the reaction on Demeyez's face. "Look. I'll even unarm myself and approach you, un-armed." Galactica then dropped the weapons and walked closer to Demeyez slowly.

"See. Unarmed. Now calm down. There is no need for violence." Galactica approached Demeyez cautious as well.

"Well. Now that you've gotten closer to me; I don't see how someone of your stature could threaten me much." Demeyez said relieved. It was true. Galactica wasn't even half as tall as Demeyez. "In fact, you should be scared of me!" Demeyez chuckled.

"Silence!" Galactica stomped the ground, "I may be short, but I assure you I am very strong and more than capable of eliminating you unarmed!" Galactica said with a louder professionalism tone, but more angrily.

"Sorry! Sorry! I was just a little too relieved I suppose. I didn't mean to offend you." Demeyez quickly apologized to Galactica.

"No-no, I'm sorry as well. I should not have let my temper get to me. I am not –that- short though. With my antennas I am about to your stomach area." Galactica replied.

"Yeah you… Antennas? You mean you're wearing something over your head right now? Kind to think of it. When I first saw you approaching me, I thought you were some sort of snake." Said Demeyez.

"Yes. This is not my face. This is a mask." Galactica said as it removed its mask with goggles on. "And I'm not a snake. I have arms, legs, a spine, and everything. This is just a suit I wear when I explore the surface." Galactica explained as it removed the suit as well. "See? And I am also a female, if that ever crossed your mind."

There stood Galactica in her real clothing with her real face and body. She was an Irken. She had no hair and indeed her antennas were long if they were uncurled. She had big Irken eyes with a pale yellow eyes and a big smile. She had no nose above her smile, but only a big scar and no ears on her head  She wore a light-silver jump suit underneath her tight black anti-contamination suit. There was a black with white outlined H on her chest or where the left bosom of a human woman would be. The jumpsuit also worked as her shoes as well. The suit looked very comfortable and very bright. She then put on her anti-contamination suit back on once she finished showing Demeyez how she really looked like.

"G... Galactica, you're an Irken!" Demeyez exclaimed in shock.

"Yes, I suppose I am. And you are a…" Galactica replied without a care.

"I'm… I'm a Teynkian from the planet Teynkah." Demeyez replied. She realized it was best not to make such a big deal like she did when she found out about Rakoon. She had the impression that, like Rakoon, Galactica also didn't know about her race.

"Hm… Demeyez, are you also a female?" Galactica asked.

"Of course! Don't I look female to you?" Demeyez asked back defending her gender.

"Well. Other than my brother, who is male, I am the only female I know. Everything else is an artificial being like father." Demeyez answered back.

"Brother? You mean there is another Irken here? And what did you mean by your father being an artificial being?" Demeyez kept asking Galactica.

"Yes. My brother is taller than me though. Just about your height if I am not mistaken. In other words, my father is a robot. I think he said something about putting his brain in one so he could see me and my brother grow up. Ah, an idea! How about I take you to see them? I am sure they would very much be pleased to see you." Demeyez replied.

"I wish I could Galactica, but I was separated from someone else and I need to find him, if he's still alive that is. Maybe you've seen him? He's a tall Irken too." Demeyez said.

"No. I only saw the explosion that you probably caused in the factory which had lead me to you, but if anyone can help it is my father. He is great when it comes to locating people." Galactica proclaimed.

"Well. I suppose if it'll help me find Rak-"

"It is decided then. We shall head to my home so that you can meet father and big brother. Can you walk?" Galactica interrupted Demeyez.

"Y-yeah. How far is your home from here anyways, Galactica?" Demeyez asked.
"Not that far. Just underneath this volcano and a few miles away from it. We should get there in less than a few hours if we move quickly." Galactica said as she looked around.

"Volcano?! You mean we're near a volcano?!" Demeyez exclaimed worried.

"Yes, but do not worry. It is not ready to erupt yet. Have you not wondered why the ground here is so dry? Anyways," Galactica then jumped on top of her vehicle and started it up, "Excellent. There is just enough energy to cause an explosion, but before I execute the plan, I should open the remaining locked hatches."

"Explosion?!" Demeyez asked again worryingly.

"Yes. The explosion should be strong enough to reach one of the tunnels beneath here. I live underground. The surface is too polluted for us." Galactica was busy opening the hatches on the ship that required energy to open as she said that, "Excuse me. What is your name?" Galactica asked Demeyez.

"Demeyez. My name is Demeyez." She replied.

"Ok then, Demeyez. Grab some of the contents in the hatches that I just opened. We are going to need them for our journey back home." Galactica commanded.

Only an additional three hatches opened. One contained additional anti-contamination suits. Some were big and others were small. They must have been meant for both Galactica and her brother. Demeyez decided to grab a pair of Galactica's brothers and put it on herself. The other hatch next to the clothing contained ammunition, weaponry, and explosives, plenty of them too. Demeyez skipped that hatch and continued to the third one. There were five bags inside there. Demeyez looked inside the bags and there were a lot of water bottles and powdered rations. She grabbed those and put them on the ground. Demeyez then went back to the second hatch, but Galactica was already there rummaging through them.

"So… we're taking all of that too?" Demeyez asked.

"Just some ammunition and a weapon or two; the rest will be needed for the explosion." Galactica replied.

"Y-you're really serious about the explosion aren't you?" Demeyez said.

"Yes." Galactica heartily replied with a smile. "Grab anything that suits your needs. I am happy with what I have."

"Umm, I suppose I'll take your smallest one." Demeyez said as she struggled to take out the fairly medium-sized rifle from the second hatch. "This thing is heavy!"

Galactica looked over at Demeyez and chuckled at her frustration on holding the rifle, "It is not –that- heavy, Demeyez."

"Says you! You try holding this!" Exclaimed Demeyez.

Galactica then grabbed the rifle and held it with ease, "See? Not heavy at all. Now here." Galactica then tossed the rifle back at Demeyez. Demeyez caught it, but she fell too the floor with it.

Galactica looked hopelessly at Demeyez this time and got some ammunition for her and a pair of silver gloves for Demeyez. "Here." Galactica said as she tossed the gloves on top of Demeyez.

"Those gloves will help you hold that rifle much easier. My brother and I never needed them, but he always beouht them along in case something bad happened to us. I suppose you should thank him once we arrive." Galactica explained.

Demeyez then put on the gloves that adapted to her slim hands and easily picked up the rifle. She was amazed. "But how?"

"Those gloves create a strong enough magnetic pull so that they do all the work, of course, it will only work with objects that have magnetic attractions to one another. Do not go thinking you are strong enough to lift a boulder." Galactica further explained.

"Oh. Well you're right. I guess I should thank your brother, Galactica." Demeyez smiled in relief that now she could hold her rifle. "Oh! I better get some ammunition for this." Demeyez exclaimed.

"Do not bother. What you are holding wont need additional ammunition. It has many chambers inside it fully loaded with light from the sun. It shoots its light highly concentrated for maximum impact. Brother designed it so that it lasted long since sunlight here is very scarce. Each chamber should last a year in use."

"Wow. Your brother sounds like a smart guy." Demeyez said as she looked at rifle in awe.

"Yes he is." Galactica agreed with Demeyez. "I think we are done here. Please back away to a safe distance, Demeyez. This will be a very powerful explosion." Galactica instructed.

"Alright, but where to?" asked Demyez.

"There is a small pond a few yards from here. We are going to dive in a few feet deep to keep us from getting burned. It is a good idea that you put on the goggles from the spare suit you picked up. You do not want any mutations to occur to you." Galactica explained.

Galactica hopped down, grabbed the bags, and began running to the small pond she mentioned with Demeyez behind her. They arrived and both jumped inside the small pond at the same time. Demeyez accidentally further pushed Galactica deeper than they were suppose to be. Galactica squirmed her way back to the surface and glared at Demeyez. Although Demeyez could not see Galactica's annoyed grin at her, she knew Galactica was. Galactica then pulled out a remote device from one of the bags. She then closed the bag for when they dive. She gave a nod at Demeyez and Demeyez gave one back. Galactica pressed a small yellow button on the remote and the both girls dived underneath. Galactica dived a bit further down so the bags would not surface with them. She pried her right hand within the earth in the pond so she wouldn't float with the bags on top. Short after there was a very loud explosion with a cluster of other explosions. Galactica had calculated the chain of explosions very well. They both looked up and could see fire and scrap metal fly above them.

Demeyez then began seeing things, haunting things. She was seeing burning bodies falling from the sky and other scrap metal. There were battle ships shooting evacuation shuttles. One of the shuttles stood out to her. It was the shuttle that her father had taken for himself to leave the others behind. Demeyez then began to sink further down in the pond, as if she wanted to escape the nightmare. She didn't know it was her father that stole the shuttle at the time, but she did remember calling out to him crying for his shelter as she saw the shuttle fly out of Teynkah's atmosphere. Demeyez knew hope for her and the others was gone, but she kept yelling for her father to come save her. Galactica had already surfaced with the bags and began shouting at Demeyez to come out. Demeyez could not hear her. She could only hear screams, uproars, and her own crying. Galactica jumped back in and dragged Demeyez out. She removed Demeyez's mask and started shaking her as Demeyez was on her knees dazed from her haunting past. Galactica kept yelling at Demeyez, "Demeyez! Demeyez! Are you all right?!" No response. Galactica kept on screaming at Demeyez, "We need to get out of here, it is not safe!" Demeyez heard those words from Galactica, but she saw Juran saying those words to her. She quickly came to her senses and saw a worried Galactica. Demeyez quickly got up and apologized to Galactica and explained she hallucinated, "It must have been the pond water. I might have not put on my mask properly." Galactica nodded and repeated what she said, "It is not safe here. I fear the explosion may have attracted unwanted denizens. We must hurry." Demeyez nodded and grabbed her bag and rifle and so did Galactica. They ran back to where the vehicle once was and all they saw was a crater. There were heated metal scraps and some scraps still on fire inside as well as rubble. Galactica ran down further into the crater and moved some rubble aside. There was an entrance behind the rubble. Galactica motioned for Demeyez to follow. Demeyez ran into the crater and began helping Galactica move any rubble she could. They both managed to move enough rubble for the both of them to fit in. Galactica hopped in with ease while Demeyez had to wedge herself gently inside. Galactica then aimed at the rubble near the hole they fell inside and shot it. They were now caved in.

"What was that for, Galactica?!" Demeyez exclaimed.

"So we are not followed of course." Galactica replied as she put her rifle away.

"Now we can't see and you've shortened our oxygen!" Demeyez kept exclaiming.

"Control yourself, Demeyez! I am no moron. We have enough air to get to our checkpoint and use the goggles on the mask enable your night vision." Galactica replied with an annoyed tone.

"Oh. Couldn't you have told me sooner?" Demeyez slipped on her mask again and fumbled with the goggles to turn on the night vision. She found the knob, but it took her a few tries to get night vision. She flipped through x-ray, heat, a nifty scanner, but finally she got night vision. "So how far is the checkpoint, Galactica?"

"Not far if we move quickly. You may be wondering about the rails around us. The humans and my father built these tunnels. Once we get to the checkpoint we will be able to ride a cart to the outskirts of my home."

"Remarkable." Demeyez said, but was quickly interrupted by Galactica.

"Save your breath. We have no time for chit-chat. Just follow me or we will die from lack-", just then the ground started to shake fiercely knocking Galactica and Demeyez onto the ground. The ground was still shaking and some of the rubble from the hole Galactica had created started to cause an even bigger cave in.

"What was that?!" Demeyez said worryingly.

"I think my explosion may have disrupted the volcano. We must move quickly. We may have shorter time than I have previously calculated." Galactica said.

Demeyez and Galactica both got up and began running towards the checkpoint hoping no magma leaks inside the tunnel. They had both been running for no longer than an hour taking quick minor breaks to catch their breath and a ration or two with water. The earthquakes had been getting worse and worse as they progressed. Demeyez had begun to lose hope and Galactica seemed determined to get to the checkpoint. The deeper they progressed the hotter it had gotten. The magma had begun leaking near the tunnels. It was very hot for Demeyez under the suit and she was getting very exhausted. Her height made it easier for the heat to get to her from the ground and ceiling. Galactica was short and used to these conditions. The heat did not affect her. Demeyez started to fall back from Galactica. Galactica then turned around and grabbed Demeyez's hand and helped her run.
The earthquakes became more frequent and the tunnel began to fall apart. The heat had gotten worse. They were both running out of oxygen much faster thanks to the magma that had leaked inside the tunnels. Galactica too began to grow weary, but their luck began to change. They had reached the checkpoint and both Galactica and Demeyez had reached their second wind. They sprinted even quicker to the door. Demeyez reached for the handle, but Galactica stopped her. Galactica shot the handle open. Demeyez did not notice because of her fatigue, but the door handle was very hot and could have burnt her from recovery. They both pressed on inside.

The room wasn't as hot as it was outside due to its cooling system. They both sighed in relief. Galactica asked Demeyez to look around for extra oxygen tanks for them while she prepared the cart for their departure and turned on the lights. Galactica managed to turn on the lights in the checkpoint station; they slowly flickered back on. Demeyez exclaimed, "I found them", short after the lights flickered back on and ran towards Galactica to hand her share for them to carry. They both heard the cart arriving. All seemed well. They looked at each other and smiled and cheered, but their cheering came to a halt as the ventilation shut off. The magma and earthquakes had disrupted it. It didn't take long for Demeyez and Galactica to feel the heat again. The room was hotter than it was on their way to the tunnel. They didn't have much time, but they had to wait for the cart to arrive. Galactica was now worried and Demeyez could see it in her face. The lights gave out one by one slowly and the checkpoint station began to shake. The cart had arrived and the girls made their way carefully so that they wouldn't bump into anything hot to scorch them. They got closer and closer to the door. Their hopes had gone up. The door was still operational, but only let one person pass it at a time. Galactica stepped through first and the door locked behind her. The other door in front of her opened and she walked through. She waited outside in the cart lobby for Demeyez, but the checkpoint station shook vigorously causing the power in the station to go off. They had been separated. The back-up power went online, but it wasn't enough for the doors to work. Demeyez was going to blast her way through, but Galactica raced to the intercom from the cart lobby to the checkpoint station, "Wait, Demeyez!" She said.  "If you do that you risk causing a lockdown trapping us in here to perish!" Demeyez put her rifle away, "what am I suppose to do then?!" she exclaimed. "You are going to have to manually turn on the remaining back up power. There door behind you to your left shou-" Galactica was interrupted. The intercom shorted out. Galactica was point to the door from the other side from the thick glass.

Demeyez quickly, but cautiously made her way to the door. She kicked the door hard trying to slam it open. The door was very hot. Demeyez made her way into the room and Galactica could no longer see her, but as Demeyez disappeared from her sight, Galactica saw magma slowly pouring into the checkpoint station. They were both running out of time. Demeyez made her way around the generator. There was hot steam shooting out some of the pipes. She did not know which was the back-up generator or if it was still functional. She noticed that aside the steam, this room wasn't as hot as the others. The ventilation vents here had not gone offline, but the lights still were. She made her away around the room carefully not touching any of the steam. She found a sign above a machine that read [BACK-UP POWER SUPPLY]. Demeyez kept looking around for instructions on how to boot up the back-up supply. She found them on the side of the machine. Demeyez could not read human very well, but fortunately the goggles she wore did. Demeyez managed to get the power back up, but the room had gotten hotter. Demeyez made her way back out to the room to get to the cart lobby, but there was magma slowly dripping on the floor. She couldn't jump over it. Demeyez backed away from the magma on the floor slowly spreading. She looked around, but couldn't find anything to help her get across. She then noticed the door hadn't fully melted, but the hinges were giving out. With her magnetic gloves she managed to wedge out the hinges and slowly moved her hands close to the door to push it on the ground. There was a splash of magma that almost burn Demeyez's legs. Demeyez took a deep breath and jumped on top the door and back to the door room where the magma had not covered. She was short on oxygen and pulled out an oxygen tank to help her breathe. Galactica saw the door fall down and Demeyez make her way to the door, but the door lights were not on. Demeyez slammed her hands on the door in giving up hope. She saw the cart and Galactica on the other side and wished she was there with her. The magma began to slowly pour closer to Demeyez. All seemed lost, but she heard a ping. The power went through. The door opened and Demeyez made her way in. The door shut tight again and the other door into the cart lobby began to open, but the power went out again. There was enough room for her to squeeze through, but the doors were still hot from the heat. Galactica was on the other side informing Demeyez that she had no choice but to make a quick jump across. Demeyez hesitated, but she had no choice. Galactica was right. She threw her oxygen tank and took two deep breaths. She then tossed her oxygen tank, rifle, and a few rations across the doorway crack. Demeyez exhaled and sucked in her belly as much as she could. She took a step back and dived for it. She made it through. Galactica was there to pick her up. They both heard a crack. The magma had started taking its toll on the thick glass windows. Demeyez picked up her things and made her way to the cart which looked like a pod more than a cart. It had a more advanced design, but resembled an advanced monorail on Earth. Demeyez strapped herself in, but she noticed Galactica wasn't inside as well. She looked around for her and saw her fumbling with an exterior control panel in the cart lobby. Galactica grabbed her things and ran to the pod. She entered and closed the door. She then pressed a red button which started the pods power. The pod began to slowly start up, but then quickly started on its way.

Demeyez sighed heavily, "what were you doing back there, Galactica?" Demeyez asked.

"The magma is going to burn the cart lobby soon enough leaving us stranded once it had gotten to the external cart power, so I made this pod work manually so that we will not get stuck. I also made it so the built-in explosives near the checkpoint station would go off in hopes of the magma not trailing us. Do not worry. These are small explosions designed for a controlled cave in." Galactica explained as she guided the pod to the next checkpoint station.

"Good." Demeyez said in relief. Demeyez closed her eyes and relaxed on the cushioning of the pod, "(Rakoon. I hope you're alive)" she said in thought before she fell asleep.

Galactica took a look back and saw the exhausted Demeyez and smiled, "Yes. Good. You saved us both that time", said Galactica under her breath.

—Author's Comments—
Oh boy. I had fun and frustration writing this. It's been a long time since I've written a continuation of this story let alone anything. Y'know  Aside essays for homework at college. I started writing this not –TOO- long after chapter five. Around February 26 2009. I only had written it up to the part where Galactica spots Demeyez. There was a lot of editing in here. One of the reasons I really loved writing this is because I'm falling back into the groove I had and the MAD inspiration I get. I swear. Chapter eight is going to be a gaz(haha, Gaz… and this is some sort of an Invader Zim fanfic. Heh). I'm blank on chapter seven. I got an idea on what's going on, but I don't know how I'm going to lead this into the epic-ness that is chapter eight. This chapter is probably my longest. I was worried it was going to come out short and might not be as amazing as five, but I tried. I got blocked once in a while, but the ideas always kept coming up. I'm really glad to finally release this after a year and something months. This is also my longest authors comments installment. I ensure my old readers and new readers, if any, this is really going to pick up towards the end of this saga. You read that right, this saga. There is probably going to be two more sagas after this, or just the last third one. Not EXACTLY sure yet, but it seems promising. I'm trying to keep this to ten chapters per saga too, but if I need to add more or if I'm bombarded by ideas and inspiration, then some may be longer than others. Anyhow. It's been a while. And I hope you've enjoyed this installment…            but seriously. I think eight and nine are going to kick so much ass.
(they can be found at the near end, and just above from here
2nd saga following the first saga, The Irken Savior Saga. I recommend reading the first saga which can be found in my gallery.

Just copying and pasting stuff. Man it's been a while.
also some of the people I'm trying to link here no longer exist, but I'm leaving them there for memories.

And now for the techy stuff o.0

Story & Original Characters © Me(Andrew "KHCloudstrife" / "Opaque" Vargas
Irken species and Original Characters © Johen Vasquez
Galatica & Celestia © :iconinvadergalatica:
Kat(astrophic) © :iconcelest-the-ruler:

:icon0anima0: Again, new thanks for burning his "add more detail" quote into my mind.

P.S. FUCK YEAH! I'm back!
© 2010 - 2024 KHCloudStrife
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